Faulkner's prose may have stunned you, but for 99% of us mere hacks, morons and low attention spanners, its overwriting. We find it too confusing, verbose, impenetrable.
What imagery does "like silver pennons downrushing at sunset" evoke when you don't understand what a silver pennon is or how anything downrushes other than an overflowing sink? And where the fuck is Roncevaux? I don't know.
That you find it stunning tells me you are a clever man. Having read a few of your articles, they confirm that opinion. They also tell me you can write, exceptionally well, and that you have something to say.
If you are inclined, I'd be delighted to host your future articles on my publication E3. Say the word and I'll add you as a writer and you can send your drafts in.
In respect of the book you are writing, based only on your articles, I think you are right to seek a traditional publisher. Don't be a Toole, though, nothing post mortem.
Kind regard